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Old 12-08-2017, 05:22 PM
Melahin Melahin is offline
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Originally Posted by TeamEffort
I will definitely tell people that. And I've been punched in the face by a particular archangel, so that was fun.

The idea of angels being good is like the Victorian idea of faeries being not connected to nature... haha what a weird idea. If they are beings like you and me, one would at least assume they are like you and me, sometimes connected... sometimes not. I have thrown Archangels away from a person because they did not respect the boundaries of human existence. So maybe one should understand about channeling that what they receive is inline with what frequency they have set their channel on aka. pretty much how they feel. The better you feel you will receive a message that is aligned with that, and if you are in balance with what is good in life then there can be no disruption from that. It is just that we need contrast to grow, so while some are aligned with the angelic realm, and feel good about that, others might not... it is not a one pill cures all ailments... or it is if you understood what that meant haha
I am the flower, the tree, the vine. I am the path
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