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Old 12-08-2014, 05:38 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Lynn

With thyroid issues and wieght I have learned that the body settles into zones for a time. I took off 100 pounds and I stalled the rest would not come off no matter what I tried. The body hormone levels needed that time to "re code" is what the natural path told me. Its like re writing a level of one's DNA make up and the brain and body needed to align.

I have since taken off another 70 but again I have hit that plateau this time I will ride it out....not liking it but too knowing that its the body catching up again is all. We too have a "zone" weight that is there with us and its not always something we can shift its like its written into the Soul level of whom we are and how we are to project to the World. At times we have to accept that aspect of things as well.

For me I am still too large but blessed to have a large bone frame of 6 feet and massive bones to take and hide most of the rolly bits and pieces now. Its not fun but the body is what at times the body is.

I am on Thyroid meds and the Dr wants to change the levels again....I do not want that to happen so am trying to just stay the course for 6 months and see where it goes. Change of levels means more wieight for me goes on not off in the frist 3 months on them. I have a wedding dress to fit into lol so highly motivated NOT to fatten up.


Lynn thank you for sharing this. It makes a lot of sense. It's easier to just get frustrated and I have to remind myself that it may take MONTHS not weeks to see a difference. Because I have been trying things for the past 3 years, and only in the past 1 figured out more of the thyroid issue, what you are saying really rings true to me. I am going to stay positive, keep hiking/walking/riding, and take my thyroid supps religiously so that my body has the best advantage to catch up.

Congrats on your upcoming wedding!!!! And I agree with you on not just doing what the dr's say (not ignoring them, but trusting what your body is telling you). My dr. wanted to just put me on cholesterol meds when my cholesterol was only very slightly high, rather than address the drowsy lack of energy, and all the other issues. Good luck!