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Old 13-04-2017, 03:08 PM
Melahin Melahin is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
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Originally Posted by Debrah
Yoga can also feel bad if you aren't consistent, regular and your body is in really a bad place.

Yoga can only feel bad if you are doing it wrong. My practice for personal reasons are quite irregular, yet throughout my last two practices I consistently get better throughout the practice no matter how bad I felt at the start, I get more energized, I feel better and so on... not worn out as I did with my "old" practice. If your body is in a bad place you should start out more gentle, and move from there. Maybe Tai Chi is a better place to start. Maybe doing more all-fours if the (lower) back is sore and so on. It feels bad because we are impatient with where we are, and pushes too hard to get to a place where it feels better, but that never works... it only make the journey to feeling good take longer.
I am the flower, the tree, the vine. I am the path
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