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Old 08-11-2017, 11:11 AM
IsabelSeyler IsabelSeyler is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 101
Originally Posted by Lorelyen
It was an interesting question and hopefully the o/p will do some research of her own. "Things found" are worth a lot more than us coming up with all kinds of supposition. But she did say "rainbow" - the 7 rays of esotericism don't, in their ordering, make up a rainbow but as is the way with the new age the word could get redefined to suit an author's hypothesis. The 7 colours of the chakras don't correspond to the 7 rays of a rainbow, that's for sure.

If IsobelSeyler is allowing for a loose connection only then it could mean anything... perhaps you'll find your pot of twin-flamery at the end of the rainbow, even a twin flame.

I may have missed adding these points but the guy I talked about, I could never find his credentials anywhere even though I knew he was a student rep so I was looking for him on the schools student portal. Never found him until 21st Oct.

And it was actually an accidental typo which showed him up. I did have a dream about seeing his pics online and stuff and including his DOB and I found quite some old pics of him.

There was no dob but as per his old pics the calculated birth year I got was quite close to the one I saw in my dream. In my dream it came up as 1996 but hes actually 1995.

I was happy to see that and when I looked outside, there was a bright vivid rainbow outside my window.

I tried looking for explanations but couldnt find any proper one though.
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