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Old 11-02-2018, 11:09 AM
tealily tealily is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
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*Rider waite smith

1. What is dormant that should be plowed under? The Fool.
2. What do you want to grow this spring? 5 of Wands reversed.
3. What seeds must you plant in order to let this happen? 3 of Cups.
4. What new growth can you expect? Page of Swords.

When I look at this spread, what jumped out to me was the idea that you may have been impulsive in the past or sometimes took options without thinking them through, or dived in without researching etc (Fool). This is - in terms of personal development - on the out, meaning that what's ahead is likely a period where you'll think things through a little more, and be a bit more conservative or strategic in where you put your time and emotional energy.

It's looking like you want to put a lot of conflict to bed (5 of Wands reversed) - I am all for this because I think conflict can take a lot out of people! This is both conflict with other people but I think also conflict within yourself (eg possibly anxiety, or some second-guessing). When you're clearer on what you want to do, you won't have to waste time thinking... you can just do.

The steps ahead from here start with a celebration of the personal development milestones you've made so far (3 of Cups). Change is not easy - but you have already taken the brave step of putting the first wheels in motion. Make sure to regularly pat yourself on the back for moving forward to honour your efforts. What's ahead is a period of time where you'll start to act on these new ideals - you may find yourself reaching out to people differently (eg communicating a bit differently), speaking to new groups of people you may not have through to contact in the past (this may be personal or professional), and generally turning over a new leaf - or 'upgrading'. I typically call this sort of stuff "Being FairyCrystal ver.2" (insert own name as appropriate) and I think it's a nice way to encapsulate that one continues being the same person, but better as a result of the experiences and growth you've been through :)
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