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Old 13-05-2019, 07:31 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
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Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by Altair

Allow me to fill that in :)
Illusion is a concept about imagination, just like so many other spiritual abstract concepts..

There is no “illusion”. What we see, taste, smell is real. There is more, BUT that doesn’t make THIS reality any less real! If you jump off a tower you will die no matter how hard you believe you can fly. We don’t live in a matrix. I have heard of some people who believe this (usually on drugs) do such things and they end up dead..

Another way to consider this is that everything is real on its own level but it may be an illusion when considered from a higher level.

So if we bang our head then it hurts and the pain is real while it lasts. But the pain is temporary and is confined to the physical body, and so it is an illusion from a greater perspective.

As an alternative to the idea of maya, usually translated as illusion, we could use the word mithya meaning a relative reality.

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