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Old 18-02-2018, 07:07 AM
lazydullard lazydullard is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 57
schizoaffective disorder and an addict. spirituality enabled me to gain lasting sobriety, so that's nice. the schizoaffective disorder isn't debilitating when I'm sober.

Spiritual development exacerbated my schizoaffective disorder before I got medicated. I began starving for "peak enlightenment experiences" and started thinking extremely highly of myself. But then I learned to be a bit more humble and the importance of seeking out omens and signs and planning intensively for a miracle that now I can admit probably won't come true became less. That is to say, I don't believe in the delusions as much.

I used to think that I was going to rule the earth as the son of satan and have magickal powers. Now I think that's not going to happen. I'll live a regular life.

Being forced to work on the addiction got me over the hump with my schizoaffective disorder. Addiction is extremely humbling.

Now, I justify that my years of life as an outlaw was a spiritual exploration of self versus society and of good and evil. But that might just be a justification for the crimes I committed to feed my addiction.

I note that in both addiction and mental health treatments, spirituality is a heavily emphasized growth area to pursue. There's literally people walking around cured by God. Amazing. I side with the devil still, though.
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