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Old 15-10-2018, 09:31 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by OPVerma
PEOPLE all over the world and over millennium speculated and debated on this question without any knowledge about him. So let us know him first.

To create a criteria and list of requirements one “must” be the source. And seeing how every account from all advanced beings even those considered as gods by us in the past have stated that no being has communicated with source. I don’t see how this post can be taken with any validity. Especially since you are contradicting your opening statement.

And from what I know of higher dimensionsal beings is they don’t place labels on beings such as god, lesser god or greater god. I also would never follow any god that does. To create and place an ideal that any one being is better or less than another is an action stemming from ego. This is much like the system that is already in place. The one designed to keep us directed outside. The one designed to keep us following another’s lead instead of discovering what we’re truly capable of. The one that wants to keep us convinced That we’re not gods.
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