Thread: The Ougie Board
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Old 22-02-2013, 03:26 AM
Albalida Albalida is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 716
It's a plank of wood with the alphabet painted on it. If that's evil, then every decently-stocked kindergarten is a portal to an evil otherworld.

Okay, I understand that it was initially marketed as a necromancy divination tool... and, I understand that there is a lot of stigma attached to death and communication with the dead, as well as lots of stigma attached to providing an easy way for the otherwise uninitiated to channel spiritual messages (because the easy way, provides progress in advance of understanding or wisdom.)

Personally, I don't see it as any more evil than gemstones, meditation, dream interpretations or lucid dreaming, or channeling. All of these have their dangers and inconveniences.
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