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Old 22-11-2011, 10:12 PM
Perry J Perry J is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Sweden
Posts: 253
These beings in the lower astral realm can no longer take embodiment on Earth, and they cannot receive the Universal energy. They have to steal energy from others. But they cannot do so without your consent. There is a decision there, maybe from early childhood, to let these forces in.

The reason why they cannot receive the universal energy is that the frequency is way too high, so they must misqualify it by lowering its frequency. Emotions like fear, anger, hate, despair all have that frequency level that suits these beings. And people on Earth who seem stuck in these emotions, probably have some of these dark spirits in their energy field, and it becomes a matter of survival (for the vampire beings), to keep them stuck.

Jesus has been mentioned here, and I would recommend Kim Michael's site:

This link is also very interesting:
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.
- Rumi
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