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Old 26-03-2018, 07:18 PM
jerseyguy77 jerseyguy77 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 34
Hi Chris,

I was mostly doing sessions at home, especially when I really started making contact, but I did a few sessions at my work when no one was around....I even did a session while driving once...I got the same I think I was being followed at that point.

I think where I really messed up is that I was doing sessions too often. Once I started hearing a lot on my recordings...I was doing sessions almost every night for two months....I really attuned my ears to hear these spirit voices quickly and some malevolent spirits or such took full advantage of that

at the very least....yeah.....I think moderation could go a long way.

it can get could drive a person insane literally.

I mean...I deal with it....but it was real bad for a long time.

here's another account from a person I met a year after I got hit with it that describes this kind of clairaudience overload quite well

the thing is can't tell by how these voices act or sound which ones might be up to something...I mean I heard some voices on the recordings that seemed completely if one were set on pursuing this, I'd say moderation.....don't do sessions that could potentially save one a lot of grief.

I'm not sure about closing off a session....aside from these voices....I also feel them on me a times...or cause physical sensations......they especially like to jab me when I'm trying to at least some of these spirits are essentially here...this is something I didn't fully grasp at the time I was doing EVP....I suppose I thought I was here and the spirits were some place else...when the session was was broken off......this is true perhaps some of the time....but some are literally here .....and once you end a session, they could very well be hanging around in your home all the time.....this is why I started doing sessions at my work and see if I was being followed........I've also since moved since 2015 (when it started) and they followed me to my new home.
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