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Old 18-04-2012, 06:51 PM
Mind's Eye
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by LIFE
I agree. But "hidden meanings" is anathema to the literalist. Everything is face value to the person who interprets the bible literally. It prevents them from truly having to think about what something may really mean. If the bible is primarily interpreted in a literal fashion and read as a historical record of actual occurrences, then all you is take those occurrences as face value. For instance, for those that interpret in this manner, the story of adam and eve doesn't have alterior meaning other than it was a historical event. They are not concerned with metaphorical, allegorical, symbolic meanings.

Oh, I agree... The literal fundamentalist is a hard nut to crack; they have thrown out everything from Christianities beginnings that dealt with the mystical and metaphysical and replaced it with their own literal interpretation of things. Thus they have created a Christianity that is absolutely judgmental, biased and riddled with prejudice and contradictions. And I state the above not to name call, but rather to point out that they have numerous slices of the pie missing and are therefore cheating themselves out of some very beautiful traditions and practices.

The strange thing is that a fundamentalist will say, "If you don't have Jesus as your savior, even if its through no fault of your own... you will absolutely burn in hell."

But then even the Catholics, who do hold to many more of the older beliefs and traditions of Christianity will say, "If you do not acknowledge Jesus as the savior, God will judge you according to the way you lived your life." Hence it matters not what religion you are, or even if you have no religion at all... as long as you were a kind, caring and decent person, you will be granted salvation. It all hinges upon the law of love.

I don't think a lot of people know that The Catholic Church teaches that; and I respect them for their opinion on salvation... It seems much more fair and loving than the all or nothing of the literal fundamentalist view.
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