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Old 27-04-2016, 03:38 AM
Teacup Teacup is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 30
I don't know whats up

So in my life it seems everything has a reason and some how intertwined even if it doesn't seem to pop up till years later. I've also fine that I seem to be able to do some stuff that I have little control over. For example I can remember almost every dream I have nightly. I know when the dreams bleed over into another dream to try and be one big dream but I know I'm having may dreams and remember all of them. The only exception to this is when I was very young and when I had a dream with Odin.

Another thing I seem to be able to do that others have seen sounds crazy but I would be able to "Transcend" to a higher self? The people who have seen this say they see almost a physical change in me and I no longer seem like myself. It's as if something else is talking threw me or using me. I don't think I'm making any seance but I'm not fully sure how to explain what happens. It seems almost random when it happens but I can pin point only a few time I know for sure it happened. At rituals with other pagans, pagan fest, and in situations of high negative emotions.

Just an hour ago with a large thunderstorm happening my daughter fell asleep and my husband said he was surprised she fell asleep in such a bad storm and I suddenly felt a clam over me and with out thinking I just said "Thor sings to her of the battles and of brave warriors who keep our realm safe." Sometimes I say odd things without really any thought and I've been asked how I came up with stuff like this and all I have to tell them is I have no idea it just happens.
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