Thread: Ghost Radar
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Old 12-04-2012, 01:23 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by emerge
If I remember right it has a built in database of words that it uses. I don't know how it works or what makes it work. I'm pretty dissapointed in the words that are being generated. Also in the upgrade version (which I used last night) it has the ability to change various settings and it would be generating words before a spirit showed up on the radar a couple of times. But that might be normal for the settings I was using. Like hearing somebody talking before they entered a room sort of thing.

The first 2 words it gave me last night were "attack" and "muscle". I have no idea what that means.

I gotta keep in mind that the ipod I was using was left by my co-worker but, actually belongs to her nephew who keeps screwing it up so it won't work at all. That may be the reason the words that are being generated don't make sense. Maybe something is damaged internally in the ipod. She downloaded the same program to her ipod and she was recieving answers to questions that made more sense.

I think she said that the upgrade only cost 99 cents US ... so anybody can afford it.

My words don't make much sense at all. It takes some thought and a lot of interpretation to figure out what it's trying to say. Even then, there are things that in the end seem to just be gibberish.
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