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Old 22-07-2011, 02:35 PM
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Originally Posted by martyn862
Can you tell me if the awakening kundalini symptoms disappear trough the years or not?
I’ve read that the k rising is a process that could last for years. Is it true? Or (once awakened) do you feel the kundalini (and its annoying symptoms) for all the life? Gopi Krishna wrote in his books that he recovered his health after ten years. Can the energy of your twin flame influence your K rising process? I’m very confused about kundalini and tf connection.

I was once asked by my doctor to compile a thorough medical history because we were trying to figure out what was wrong with me, all these symptoms that kept changing and the test results always coming up normal. Back problems that had no rational explanation; alarming heart pain that checked out normal; lower than normal heart rate and body temperature; horrific migraines and vision problems; fascia issues; what seemed to be an erratic thyroid but thyroid tests were all normal; etc, etc....

Anyway, your post prompted me to pull up that document again -- I put it together in 2008. Shortly after putting that together, my health magically took a turn for the better. It all started in 98 -- so yes, exactly 10 years. What do you know?

My doctor is awesome and very patient with me. On more than a few occasions he floated out the idea of pursuing alternative therapies, but being the rational skeptic I was back then, I dismissed those suggestions... although the magical turning point for me turned out to be a massage given to me by a friend who is a practicing medium and massage therapist. She told me that the problem was with the energy flow in my muscle fascia. Go figure, right?

There are far better experts on kundalini in this forum, but I can tell you my own experience. Yes, the annoying symptoms (not just annoying -- painful!) went away around the 10 year mark. Now that I've had my ah-ha moment, I've been working lately on the remaining blockages, learning to ground myself, and practicing getting the energy to flow and seeing what it can do. This stage now is not painful or annoying at all -- it's rather pleasant. When the energy meets a blockage, deep belly breathing and relaxing into it gets it to clear right up. The process is quite gentle, like ... greasing a rusty wheel.

And I've been taking my new heart out for a spin, doing Xan's Transforming Heart Meditation. It's pretty incredible, what it can do.
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