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Old 05-06-2011, 08:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by norseman
If you think about this subject objectively, you might start to think about the SEVERAL races of Homo Erectus who have lived on this planet. You might also think about the fact that every single culture on this planet has had myths and legends about a faery race.
Now make it simple and think about the Neanderthal race - where did they go ? The answer is - nowhere. They blended with the race they shared the planet with - the Cro Magnon. Look around you. You will see many people bearing Neanderthal characteristics. Now think back to where I started. If there was a faery race, where did they go ? Same answer- nowhere ! They are merged with us and are part of our DNA. Again, look around you !
Simplest answers are always the best

I respect your point of view, but I have to differ. I've had interactions with the fairy kingdom since childhood, and they are still here as a distinct and separate kingdom from humankind. They are physical, but far less dense than we. They live among us, unseen by most, and they have not evolved into or blended with us... they are their own distinct kingdom. Some believe that fairies of old were simply names of the time given to E.T.'s, but I don't hold with that. I have had some experience with THEM, also, and they do not originate from this earth.
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