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Old 09-08-2018, 09:39 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Then again, it doesn't mean that the child is not gifted.

At that age (3-4 years) many children are not fully embodied in the physical, and they still have some astral sensitivity. So they may pick up on past or future events, and they may have "imaginary" friends who could be genuine astral entities; they can see and talk with these entities but any adult present will just see a child talking to no-one.

In most cases this fades by the age of 7, when consciousness is fully anchored in the physical body, especially if the child is discouraged from talking with their "imaginary" friends. But in some cases these abilities persist. This is both a gift and a challenge, because the growing child will be aware of many things which others are not aware of.

There are many books written by adult psychics who describe their experiences growing up and some of the difficulties they faced. It does make a difference whether the adults around such children accept or dismiss their abilities.

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