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Old 05-06-2013, 08:35 PM
Tobi Tobi is offline
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I haven't found a lot, scientifically-speaking, to prove the reality of astral projection empirically.
The scientific problem, it seems is that operating from the 3rd dimension it is quite hard to "prove" the existence of a reality in another dimension! To apply 3rd-dimensional vewpoints and analysis techniques to something wich is in the 4th or 5th dimension....doesn't really work very well.
So what we are mainly left with is anecdotal "evidence" which isn't provable "evidence" at all, and depends on many factors for how plausible it is.
(The state of mind of the person telling their experiences...the state of mind of those listening to the experiences....whether there is any empathy with the conditions described (or shared experience or knowledge)...etc)

But here's another little bit of anecdotal "evidence", from me.
Yes it's real. At its most lucid, and best, it's a fully-awake, fully-conscious experience, with critical faculties and awareness working just fine. It is nothing LIKE the experience of imagining, fantasizing, and to me -during an out of body episode, it is nothing even like a dream.
To me, going out of body doesn't even feel like a lucid dream. I've had those, and the oobe feels VERY different indeed.
Like being completely awake.
Even sometimes quite 'ordinary' when leaving the body and seeing your room just like it is, and seeing your hands, and legs and feet etc, seeing the morning light, hearing the birds singing (while completely out of body)
Oh, and that wonderful sensation mentioned in another post, that if some body part really really hurts, or is paralyzed, etc....suddenly when out of body -it doesn't! And works beautifully!
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