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Old 05-11-2015, 02:39 AM
wmsm wmsm is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 897
Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
One of the main messages I get from Jesus is he was
always pointing to the Father and His dwelling place...
Heaven, the Kingdom that is within us.
How do we access it?
Go to that silent, Secret Place within in stillness, like a child.
And it is true, for me.

I keep it pretty simple, so far so good!

Who is Jesus by a human being applied conscious statement?


Is the HUMAN MALE, because the human male is factoring the realization of what JESUS means and factoring belongs to philosophy PHI calculations of scientific spirit...ethereal body interaction.

What is JESUS as a reference in biblical data? THE CHRIST and the christ by ancient review of science and spirit is oxygen and water...holy states of holy vibrations that get changed when you burn them.

What is burning of the holy state?

SATAN...and the application of ethereal conversion....UFO converting light/sound signals for the stone nuclear.

Why did the human male factor JESUS as a personal human being spirit self realization as a statement of holy self?

Because their own person as a human body was being attacked by the presence of evil spirits...demonic possession...self combustion...bleeding from the deterioration....spiritual and atmospheric phenomena.

Therefore considering JESUS as a HOLY MALE spiritual interaction determined that the HOLINESS of the human male and their own ALPHA condition was being MURDERED by the crossing of WOOD.

What does the crossing of WOOD imply?

That the ancients using conversion methods for stone involves the nucleus of crystal and crystal light and sound belongs to all natural

Changing the WOOD of trees, therefore would change the signal for the natural cellular condition of HUMANS also....a state of awareness, where awareness is gained by experience.

Therefore personal experience of the holy human self realized by the condition of factoring PHI as a prophetic realization of alteration of light and sound in the atmosphere was BURNING the light/sound ethereal state that belonged to NATURAL LIFE.

Therefore the human males who factored science...applied science...spoke about science...realized cause and effect considered their own holy person through JESUS and CHRIST to be murdered on the crossing of the WOOD.

The WOOD involved conversion signals and calculations for transmitting as a science involving WOOD/AIR/FIRE/WATER.

Therefore a human spiritual realization of CHRIST 1000 against SATAN 1000 determined that CHRIST as a holy heavenly act removed the demonic spirits from out of the ALPHA wavelengths and if science was stopped, the holy spirit and natural life would be returned to life itself by the YEAR 2012.

This was a prophetic calculated self realization that demonstrated that applying the converSION of the HOLY SION, would in the future cause plagues as the self realized self applied scientific cause and effect. All natural disasters and plagues eventuated...proving to the ancient brothers that their own JESUS realization was true and that they were attacking their own holy life.

If a male tells himself that HEAVEN is a kingdom within himself...then he realized that his own cellular condition and holiness that his spiritual Father had given him was being changed....a spiritual awareness.

What has this got to do with occultist modern day scientists....want the Father now do you?

Therefore you must want total self combustion for the only Father spirit that exists in your own conscious awareness...a description of your own spiritual consciousness that you abused for science, told you that your Father manifested from spirit was the origin parent of your own person.

Spiritual manifestation has been proven...the argument between the ancient mind as today is evolution versus spiritual creation. Spiritual manifestation provides the evidence that our first parents...Father and Mother were actually light spirits who manifested into an organic presence.

It is about time that the occultists who are studying spirit and information INFORM YOURSELVES about how self deceitful you all are. YOU ARE THE SPIRIT, why do you want to destroy your own lives?
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