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Old 08-03-2017, 02:10 PM
Carnate Carnate is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 316
There's a few things that make astral travel successful. It seems like you're naturally able to let your body fall asleep while your mind remains active. It's the 'letting go' that seems to be the problem. My mum could 'drop' her body at a moments notice.. and she always said she just 'let go', as in, stopped holding onto her body. I always struggled with this as well.

But your conscious mind is accustomed to movement occurring as a result of muscle movement. When you start moving 'not as a result of muscle movement', your brain freaks out a bit, and hoists you back. It's just unfamiliar to you.. and practice helps in this regard.

There's also a certain vibration or frequency that needs to be present for the soul to detach easily. This generally happens naturally as your body falls asleep, but if you try to move too early, you'll just get yanked back down. And this usually results in the body waking up enough to prevent further attempts.

Also, your third eye needs to be open enough for you to experience the subtle realms; transmit details to your physical brain. Otherwise you'll simply forget what happens when you reenter your body; assume that nothing happened.

Finally, I know there's a lot of information out there on how drugs can help you astral travel or see into the future, and other things.. but stay off the drugs, at least while astral traveling. If your mind is in an altered state, there's a lot of negative beings that can easily attach themselves to you, and remain attached when the drugs wear off.
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