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Old 17-02-2018, 08:19 PM
Nitiananda Nitiananda is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 161
On the work of karma law

The Law of Karma is the law of cause and effect. But what will be the effect depends not only on the action itself, but also on the conditions in which it was committed. The same action can lead to different results. For example, if you donate money to a person seeking to attain spiritual Liberation, then you will also have a desire to attain Liberation. If a person has a high intellect, then you will have a high intellect. If a person has a strong sense of greed or pride, then you will have a corresponding state of mind. Or if you hit a person with strong hatred, then not only the karma of physical pain will return to you, but hatred in the soul will arise. If you hit a stupid and sluggish, then you will not only get karma of physical pain, but also ignorance of that person. And if you hit someone who is already familiar with the theory of reincarnation and wants to wash away bad karma, then you will gain karma of progress in practice, however, most likely after you are also beaten. This is because there is such a thing as the exchange of karma. The exchange of karma is the exchange of energy, information on subtle levels. It occurs daily and constantly. When you are near other people, when you are talking on the phone, when you are watching TV, listening to the radio, reading books or newspapers, or just thinking about something or about someone, you always get from the object of interaction a powerful information charge carrying in itself the corresponding energy. In fact, exchanging karma is the same as creating a new one. From the point of view of the mechanics of the process, it does not matter at all why you are becoming more stupid and, for example, sexually preoccupied - because you are constantly communicating with the same people, or because the money donated by you was not used for charity, or because you watch too much TV. The information has got into your causal world, and further it starts to work. Multiple repetition of the same or similar information affects the subconscious and begins to determine a person's thoughts, his desires, behavior and, ultimately, reincarnation. And, from the point of view of fine energy, information is only of two kinds - either it is data from an ascending plan that promotes progress in spiritual practice, or descending, causing the consciousness to degrade. The so-called "neutral information", that is, not carrying any semantic load, refers to the second type, because its very presence clogs the way the Causal World - the Astral World - the World of Phenomena and thereby slows the manifestation of karma.
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