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Old 10-05-2017, 01:28 AM
Carnate Carnate is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 316
Originally Posted by CrystalSong
Thank you Carnate, I appreciate you posting those! It may take a while to get that unpacked, as the numbers are higher than what I expected in hertz.

Without actually knowing anything I'm finding some strong line -ups with the Sumerian accounts of the creation of man. It lines up well with Native American stories I grew up with and also with a few OBE's results and of course seems to explain some of our more mysterious archeological finds and megalithic construction found around the world, and some very odd passages in the Bible which no one ever successfully explained to me as a kid and instead told me to think about other things and read the New Testament instead.

Perhaps the most persuasive thing though was my grandmothers passing about 4 years ago. For years she had said she wanted to 'Meet her Maker'. Which we had always presumed was God of course, and I'm sure that's what she meant too.
When she passed over I followed her spirit to make sure she 'made it home'. I followed, twice in fact. Both times one of her first stops was in a desert land with grand huge buildings of stone overlooking a plaza, and seated on benches were very tall people in Sumerian type clothing over looking the plaza. They had a 5th dimensional feel to them or perhaps it was the intense sunshine present in the land and all the gold they wore.
After a brief pause she continues onward up into Light Realms - a good 20 of them until I loose her trail completely and I'm in a white out of pure energy unable to discern her energy signature anymore and thus forced to return to body. This stop and these Sumerian looking giants existence always perplexed me - until I found Zachariah Sitchens translations of the Sumerian texts and creation of the adama accounts.
It's always nice when new details align well with our current beliefs. To be honest, I've not had much contact with the Sumerian texts, although I did see one of your comments referencing them in another thread; I posted a 'thank you' in that thread. I think I'm going to do some additional reading (Sumerian texts); thanks again.

And because it's popped into my head, I thought I'd make a comment about the different sizes of beings as it relates a little to sacred geometry.

Humans have 46 chromosomes. If we start with one cell, and double this 46 times, we reach 35 trillion cells. This is roughly what science agrees to be the total number of cells that comprise the human body. This results in us being roughly 5-6 feet tall.

For more advanced beings, additional chromosomes are incorporated into their bodies. If we look at a being with 48 chromosomes, we get 140 trillion cells.. which brings them to roughly 10-12 feet tall.

And 50 chromosomes comes to 563 trillion cells.. at about 20-24 feet tall.

I seem to remember hearing this from a man called Drunvalo Melchizedek, maybe two decades ago. In all honesty, many of his discussions are 'a bit out there' for new-to-spirituality people. But I always liked how the things he explained made sense in a logical way.. he doesn't just explain a concept, he clarifies different aspects and links them all together into a cohesive whole; there's a certain type of science involved in his reasonings.
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