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Old 18-08-2006, 01:48 AM
Posts: n/a
Hi Shandieebony,

You say:
"We Are Animals So They Say But What About The Wild Animals, The Beasts, They Are Alive, They Breath, They Eat, They Do All That We Do. What Happens When They Die. Where Do They Go?"

As I understand it (and In My Humble Opinion), although a human has a physical body that is made on the same basic 'vertebrate' plan as the vertebrate animals (that is, 'animals with backbones'), humans are quite different in spiritual constitution from animals. A human has (or is designed to have) a fully operational fully conscious ability to think, feel and create by use of the will. We have enormous potential for creativity. Animals, on the other hand, have an instinctual consciousness. Also, a human has an individualised Soul or spiritual motivating part; an animal's soul is part of a group soul, and the animal 'spiritual part' goes back upon the animal's death to merge with the rest of that group soul, that 'species soul'. A human, upon dying, retains the individual nature of the consciousness rather than disappearing into a merged whole.... unless and until it can truly merge with that Consciousness we call God or First Source or God/Goddess All-That-Is.

In essence, though, all living beings are ONE LIFE displayed and manifested in millions of different forms - each one has its place and its worth in the scheme of Creation, and truly, none is more important than another. They all have their place and contribute to the whole design of Creation. Something that indigenous, tribal humans are usually aware of - the "civilised" man, usually much less so, as evidenced by their selfish and unthinking ways of treating Nature! Interestingly enough, there is a series of books about a Russian Siberian Taiga girl called Anastasia which illustrate what it is like to be a human who is realising her true potential, and how she can interact with the Nature Kingdoms and have all her physical needs met by the animals and plants in her habitat, in harmony and their willing service to a true Man. The reference to that you may find interesting; its at:
I have the first book in the series, and as money allows, I will buy the rest. They can be highly recommended as true examples of what humanity could achieve if so inclined, and the books have priceless information for developing oneself to one's full potential and knowledge of the principles of life.

