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Old 03-07-2019, 06:53 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by girlsearching
I was going to talk about The Decans and Stelliums whitch I'm not familiar with at all.

Decans: In astrology, a decan is the subdivision of an astrological sign. In order to give fuller interpretation to the zodiac signs, ancient astrologers subdivided each sign into periods of approximately ten days.

Stellium: A stellium is defined as a group of several planets in a single sign of the zodiac or a single house.

I believe in Astrology I'd much rather read about in ancient books than reading about the zodiac on the internet that I find can be biased . I don't care to much about Tarot Card Readers on YouTube cause none of what they say pertains to me. I'm a Virgo September born I have struggled with my sign at times I hate it and the stereotypes often associated with The Virgo.

Every sign has its positive and negatives (or higher and lower), and we all struggle with the lower aspects of our Sun sign.

The traditional perspective on Virgo is that it is associated with critical thought, perfectionism and hard work. Virgo is an earth sign, so Virgoans tend to be practical, both personally and professionally, but this may also manifest as pettiness.

The higher perspective on Virgo is that it gives birth to the inner Christ Consciousness, nurturing the development of the Soul. As an earth sign, Virgo is about bringing the higher into physical manifestation. It also relates to inner purification, cleansing the lower self of impurities which block the shining of the inner Light.

Hence the strong associations with Christianity, because the past 2,000 years have been the Age of Pisces which is the opposite sign to Virgo. So in the West this has dominated as the idea of the Virgin giving birth to the Christ.

So perhaps don't be too critical of your Virgo - look to the higher aspects.

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