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Old 01-03-2018, 06:22 PM
paperw1ngs paperw1ngs is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 122
Originally Posted by Steven
When I began lucid dreaming I started to get warnings to stop which escalated into threats against my family if I didn't comply.

So I wouldn't trust everyone/everything that gives you advice.

Except for Horace of course; this is excellent advice!

Learning lucid dreaming and practising asking myself if I'm dreaming enough times throughout the day that it eventually makes itself into my dreams to trigger the realisation that I'm dreaming was going well.
Taking complete control of my nightmares and turning them on their head was fun too, and I could always just escape to another place if need be or simply wake up at will. Flying was a blast!

It was once I started practising teleportation to specific places and getting good at it that the warnings started, and later became threats..
I was still in school at the time and studying to pass so I eventually stopped dreaming and focused on "real life" but I've always wanted to start again at some point.

I would love to know how to meet positive beings and avoid negative or those on the mischievous or trickster spectrum (though I'll admit that I can be a bit like that myself sometimes so perhaps it comes down to my own attitude??).

Also, once I started lucid dreaming I stopped having real dreams as every single dream became a playground of my own making, so I'm not sure how beneficial it really was in the end..

Hmm I don't believe I lucid dream and I ignored every warning I ever got and no threats. The messages are always peaceful. Also the things they warned of happened. These were mostly about people I was involved with. I can also escape and wake myself up from nightmares, but honestly I don't think I have an interest in lucid dreams, I moreso like to experience the dreams as they come as I feel more of a freedom in that than in trying to control the outcome of my dreams. I take each dream as a sign or message of my unconscious which I shouldn't ignore or alter, but honestly I am curious about it and wonder what the dream nature becomes is when you're in control. Honestly; the only person I've ever met that said he practiced teleportation was a very dark energy and very good at shapeshifting in dreams. He entered my dreams before; and I could sense a dark energy with me after I left his company. Something about it dosn't feel right to me.

Anywho; when it comes to spirits and such; I've encountered many positive light beings in my life and 2 dark spirits. One from playing with a ouija board as a kid (me and my friend both saw him and he stalked her for a bit and messed with her quite a bit, he moreso just told showed up at the foot of my bed and gave the word knave into my mind (old word for trickster) and another in a vunerable time of my life feeling helpless and trying to make new weird friends in a strange city. Also my empath abilities were in full swing at the time so I was on a mission to heal every broken person I ran into with little consideration for myself. I met a guy who initially seemed very interesting but once he realized I wasn't really all that interested in him scared me beyond belief with his intimidation and what he believes was mind control or "spiritual ninja skill" as he called it. He literally told me afterwards of asking what happened that he cast a spell on me and was using intimidation or mind control tactics and that he would follow me wherever I go. I saw his dark spirit with me in the room when I was trying to sleep and woke up with bruises. It worked at first to mess me up for a bit I followed most of his commands but I just woke up angry one day and took whatever power he used over me and sent it back harder. He called to apoligize and said how he was angry at me for something but he understands and saw me as his "best friend". Scared him a bit I think, then he stopped really bothering me and I saw him for what he was; a helpless scared child. I am naturally a pretty passive person towards people I just meet, but I really had to invoke alot of strength to take back control. I envisioned myself as a strong being of light; like powerful wild animal and that gave me a sense of power enough to overcome whatever he was doing to me. Opening portals such as a ouija board or possibly breaking through gates of the spirit realm before you're fully ready (such as teleportation/time travel) I believe can turn on you.

How to see good spirits rather than bad is pretty simple. Call in the power of the divine light and benevolent angels of light and ask all being not of the light to leave you. Visualize a grounding cord into the earth and you move your consciousness upwards to the stars and carry down that light back with you. Surround yourself in light and outwards and ask the benevolent spirits for assistance. Call upon the angels whenever you can. I don't see angels in the christian view but moreso beings of the light who serve us in this life. Another thing is weakness; vulnerability. A heart full of fear rather than the strength of love of all will draw dark entities to you. A vunerable heart that can't or won't fight back will draw in dark beings looking to control. If you think about it demons are weaker than beings of the light or even yourself as you harbor both dark and light energy. They feed off the weak and vulnerable; the novices of the world, nothing strong needs to take power from the "weaker". A being who is strong shines it's light to all others and carries with it overflowing abundance. Once you realize dark entities are harmless, desperate, (though great illusionists) and maybe start feeling a little sorry for them so theyll leave you alone. XD You are an energy match to the entities you encounter so if they are aggressive you are vulnerable if they are good and peaceful then you have peace in your heart. Surrender your power to the infinite divine strength of the light and it will work through you when you need it. Start looking for the good in everyone and everything and you will find it. That's what I use for myself when things start getting a little rocky, hope it helps.

Sorry for the lonngg post i feel strongly about this topic as I suffered way too much before realizing we draw in our opposite if we are out of balance or our likeness if our hearts are full and strong.
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