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Old 01-12-2010, 02:34 PM
Posts: n/a
Thank you Sparrow for sharing your perspective on the question about mankind and earths future.

Humanity will simply become a worker hybrid race harvesting for more advanced and established settlers and traders.

About the above quote, wouldn't this just be history repeating itself?

Are you suggesting that it is your understanding that we are already we a hybrid race, and if so from who and/or what – that have a choice to change or remain in servitude? Or, are you saying that extraterrestrial species (more advanced and established settlers and traders) will step in and hybridize us to be place into a new subservient role if we don’t have a significant change in human consciousness soon?

After studying the history of monotheistic religions and other ancient religions, then re-examining Genesis and related apocryphal and Sumerian texts from a 'new' perspective it seems possible that has already happened - created/intended to serve advanced species. The question seems to be weather the ancient ‘Gods’ really ever left and whether we are still in servitude in some form or fashion, and currently getting technologies in exchange for something. Do you have any insight on that?

One other question. You said, “God allows all things. Destruction as well as life.” But does God go beyond just allowing destruction to directly and indirectly initiating wars and destroying cities and races like indicated in the bible? I’ve always wondered about that.

It seems at least to me but hopefully someone else as well that these are common questions about life that may help us better understand who we are and why we need to change.

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