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Old 14-09-2011, 01:33 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Autumn Ascent
Funny i had a dream i was aping last night and my dad was talking to my mom. my mom knows i'm into spirituality and my dad doesn't believe much in that sort of thing. anyways he got all mad about it. i was flying away from my house trying to get all my exploring done before he caught me and yelled at me. then i woke up and felt slight vibrations towards my feet. it's weird. totally felt like a dream but the vibrations make me wonder. my surroundings (amount of darkness) was the same as what it was like outside when i woke up too.

I can't believe that everyone missed this post. There is still a possibility that it could all be just dreams. Of course, such experiences feel more closer to the waking world in quality than just a dream. But consider this...

EEG scans show that the lucidity manifests as a hybrid state between wakefulness and dreaming. The active areas of the brain display partly a waking and a dream state for both OOBEs and lucid dreams.

Vibrations can be experienced any time...even when a person returns to the waking state from a non-lucid dream.

Considering that astral projection may be nothing but a WILD with a perceived separation from the body, then in all likelihood nothing can harm you in that state. By and large, you are safe (unless you have a sleep-related health problem).
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