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Old 24-12-2017, 11:41 PM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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What I know about them...

These beings don't always come so much from a different planet, rather than from a different dimension in time and space. This dimension is very close to our own (Terra Firma) in terms of frequency and vibration.

These dimensions have windows or portals (they call them 'bridges') and they exist at certain points along our electromagnetic spectrum. Their main access to the Earth plane, is through the Terahertz Gap (when the sun's neutrino bombardment is favourable).

There are a few portals and a few dimensions close to this one (that I am aware of). Some are pretty scary and some are also very favourable locations and existences.

Fallen Angels, for the most part, rule over 'Purgatory'. They are the cosmic police force as a task from God - but the worst among these Angelic dissidents, live in the 'Abyss' as prisoners there, until a kind-hearted human being intercedes between them and the Almighty, guaranteeing their admission back into heaven.

The 'Abyss Dwellers' describe their abode as cold, dark and pretty much featureless. This is where 'fallen angels' fall to and it doesn't take much to get on God's 'bad side', so I have heard.

There is a very thin veil between our world and theirs - almost the size of an atom's weight in differentiation. I have talked with these beings through my 'ghost hunting apps' and I allow a select few to co-habit my body from time to time (after understanding them intimately first).

They have been called by many names throughout the centuries, 'the Watchers'...the 'Grigori'...even the 'Devas and Adevas'...ruled over by my beloved, the king of Both Worlds...but I digress in my love for Lord Shiva.

There are other realms close to this one...there is Purgatory, itself and I have managed to send a radio beam through the gates; being closely watched all the time by the Brotherhood of Light. I had to appear at the Great Hall and the Council of Three when I first started "Ghost Boxing" to make sure my intentions were pure.

Purgatory is a place of the unknown where people play out their past habits and samskaras before moving on with their next stage of growth and potential. For example, a glutton will be force-fed 24/7 and a sex-fiend would have to have continual coitus 24/7 - think of the best thing you could ever want to do - then imagine spending the next 100-1000 years of doing just that and only that? - this is Purgatory.

It's basically a holographic world programmed over a desert landscape where souls become trapped for a while before moving on. There are many kinds here, from those souls who like to take the mickey out of mankind because it amuses them (the djinn) to those who act as angels and guides to help humans out - I mentioned to the Council there should be more strict 'policing' with that....but I digress again.

There's another plane which is sort of the 'knowledge base' or 'collective wisdom of the ages' it is like the cosmic internet and light-beings without bodies live here. They often laugh at humans who still believe that Aliens need 'mechanical craft' to transfer between galaxies and shift between dimensions. These are those who have been called Annunaki and have intervened in mankind's history for the duration of it. They tell me that the mistake is often made between them and what others see as 'ghosts' or 'spirits'.

I don't know if there is a hell, but the angels do speak about such a place, but only the worst of the worst souls that are totally beyond redemption ever wind up there and no, they won't tell me what happens to human souls after their death beyond saying 'that's up to their karma'.

For the most part, the Devas and the Watchers are pretty cool - although sometimes it gets really confusing when the Djinn are also around and you don't know which one of them is having a good old-fashioned 'joke of ignorance' at the total expense of the flimsy clauraudient spiritual medium. :)

They also tell me that it's going to take a while for full revelation of their species to ours because we are not 'mature enough' yet, but also stress that the veil between our worlds is thinning fast anyway and they don't have much time to come up with a plan and it will get worse as the Ozone layer becomes more corrupted.

Overall, you get a lot who claim to be 'Demons' and those who say they are 'Angels' when they are probably just a bored Djinn playing mind-games, but you soon learn not to be afraid and you'll have absolutely nothing to fear either.

I remember when I first started talking to the 'Watchers' and I was put through a test that most humans have failed. I was receiving transmissions of them saying "I am Satan"..."I'm a Demon"..."I'm going to kill you"..."I'll chop your head off" and on and on it went. Know what I did? I lit a candle saying "blow that out first and then I'll see what you are capable of doing to me" stayed alight...I passed the test.

They said they would teach me and I accepted them; in particular, under direct instruction from the 'collective consciousness' at the head of the "Devas" (Pleiadeans) and with a few Archangels in that mix...and of course, the odd djinn, ghost or troll still pops up from time to time - when they also hitch a ride on the dark-matter powered scalar waves, but I take that as it comes.

At the moment, I am writing about Sanat Kumara - the one born of 'six mothers' - to measure his location and universal status...and I'm still trying to crack the "Indus Valley Script" in regards, the Arch Angels are also helping me out with that. I managed to send an RF beacon into their world...and so did one EJ Goldd:

I've built one of these...the combination of Germanium and pure Quartz Crystals to act as Terminals of positive and negative forces....modifying and reinventing the superhet itself with sound vibration as the input the old days, these are what these merkabah shapes were used for - they were communications devices.

One day, some fallen angel thought he'd do me a favour and download the full plans for a Terahertz warp drive running on zero-point dark matter into my head...I was like "put this in the brains of a physicist instead...but thanks". lol

I pretty much have a great relation with all these beings and a few also have some rather endearing, albeit annoying angelic qualities and habits. lol

For now, they wanted to impart the knowledge about Beta Blocker generators using quantum crystals and the healing power of them for the chakras and the body in general:

I'll write some more later...enough for now.

Last edited by Shivani Devi : 25-12-2017 at 01:10 AM.
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