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Old 20-11-2019, 03:01 PM
handy guy handy guy is offline
Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 85
Originally Posted by God-Like
Basically there is beyond the notion and the experience of losing and gaining something and there is the opposite of that of the mind on a soul level ..

As always there are many levels to concepts like these and one has to keep in context relatively speaking to some extent otherwise there will be a mish mash of different levels and contexts creating a monster of confusion .

From one perspective a husband can lose their wife as a mother can lose their child and gain the experience of suffering and loss .

From another perspective, they never lose their wife because their spirit lives on and on another level what they are is neither human, female a wife and such likes .

So with this in mind there is no right or wrong way to thinking within experience that nullifies the learning that is gained no matter what one believes, because you can still feel the loss of someone even though you know they still live on ..

While you are self aware of the world there is lots to learn, lots to gain and lots to lose and I think even if you believe there is no-one actually here that can lose or gain, then there is no doubt that the knowledge of that was gained in some shape or form unless one has always believed that from the beginning of their own existence and I wouldn't say that is the case for anyone ..

x daz x

In Hinduism itself there are many schools with different and contradictory explanations or teachings around this...and yet if all the founders of those schools supposedly realized the same Self then it would follow that there would not be a bunch of different teachings or schools that can never reconcile their differences although at least in Hinduism the differences are supposed to be accepted/tolerated....(with such differences never being accepted in the 3 main Abrahamic related religions)
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