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Old 13-12-2018, 05:29 AM
SkyGodWarrior SkyGodWarrior is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 719
Got angry saw invisiable beings...

So I have been learning and taking a serious effort towards astral projection. This book isnt as good as the other one I use to have but if she thinks this is all I need then that is fine.... Anyways... I got out of my body 2 nights ago....

I have been dealing with something in my waking life... my roommate sexually assaults his dog every night.............................. and it is horrible.... maybe I am taking to long to fix this issue... anyways... he waits until I am asleep to do it around 4 or 5am..... I started waking up during this time for what ever reason... maybe to scare him to stop or whatever... or maybe he is just so loud he wakes me up.... IDK...... anyways.. no matter how great a day was I come home to this **** and what ever mood i fall asleep in it will be affected once I realize what he is doing.... or not even when he is doing it because once is enough to make you sick forever... anyways....

Negative energies are probally using this idk.... but I had a dream and he was in it and I got so angry that I started to see people surrounding him the more angry I got but I am very good at controlling my emotions.... and I let go of those emotions... and those beings went back to being invisible...

I dont know what to feel..... I feeel like beating everyone A***** if you ask me... but I know that is not right and irrational... haha... maybe I should do as a human does and learn my lesson afterwards....... but that does little good for the greater good...
I ask that you ask questions if you have them on what I have said. I have lots of experiences and feel that I can communicate them in a way that you can understand.
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