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Old 02-04-2018, 07:58 AM
Bhavani Bhavani is offline
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 26
Originally Posted by Rah nam
I have wondered, since I came back here, what the title: Non Duality stands for. We live in a dualistic Universe and even if we move into the next level of vibration, there is still dualism, just to a lesser degree.
Sorry Bhavani, I know this has very little to do with your post.
Love and like are very different energies. If I like someone then I don't mind sitting down and have a conversation. For me, there is more then 80% of the worlds population I don't like to have a conversation with.
Do I love everyone, as well as everything there is? Certainly.
Do I do this all the time? As long as I am in this reality I have to become aware, and I am not aware all the time. This is the nature of this reality.
And I have to make a conscious connection with at least my soul, who has a connection with a monad who has a connection to source. And this is where the energy we call love originates.
Quite honestly, it is easy to love everyone and everything, but I would not want to like everyone. I am an introvert and I like my peace and quiet.

Thank you sincerely Rah nam! ! I am very grateful for your reply. Although I don't exist (!) , I do seem to have opinions and I guess as long as I don't let the opinions create unwanted fluctuations in the mind then all good, it's part of the process.
You have helped me to feel normal. And this in turn aids acceptance of it, exactly how it is. I don't need to change a thing. If dislike is there , then it's there. Same goes for like.
You're very eloquent. Thank you ☺
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