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Old 09-10-2017, 09:24 PM
Ab Origine Ab Origine is offline
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 444
Hi Folks..

Amilius; Yes that sounds all very nice - but how come Christ Himself never says anything like it..?.. What you post above doesnt sound much like His teaching at all, though there are a couple of similarities..

There are "higher realms" for sure, some of which are not even accessable to us yet as mortals...The intent of the Soul here is indeed to leave these low realms behind and to return Home to Source - But, no mortal "ascended and became an angel" - an Angel is a specific form of Spirit Created in its own realms, and I will tell you for sure we alone are the only spiritual Being that is native to THIS realm, as this realm was once entirely separate from the entirety of the rest of Creation, according to Christ it REMAINED in this divided state until He directly came among us as Yeshua... Angels are the entities that are Created in those other realms, they are not all of the same form and kind like Humans are.. Some are little more than clones for instance, and some are unique individual like Humans always are..There is a heirachy of them - this realm MIMICKS the true Divine realms, but the true Divine realm is INACCESSABLE to mortal man, and Christ said that before Him, the Angels here did not even know of this other great realm and did not know of the Trinity and my Father AT ALL, for as He said, the two parts of Creation were SEPERATE and indeed, purposefully hidden, one from the other.. Indeed He came specifically to first join this as One Creation under my Fathers domain as it was always intended to be - and second He came to teach the Souls here legitimate spiritual truth and free us from an enforced isolation and bondage to a "lesser god"..

Angels are entities that are Created in all those other realms - we do not become them, though we will share their planes of existence once we leave and Ascend this one here, for that IS the aim of all Souls to return Home to my Father the source of All - even the Angels here WISH it, and that is why they rebelled against their own "god" creator as that one, Yhvh would NOT ALLOW this ascension to take place and indeed that one Yhvh has FORBIDDEN ITS KNOWLEDGE TO MANKIND !!....According to Christ the one we call Yhvh is not the supreme god at all - merely an Angel that once believed itself to BE supreme, then it found Divine truth of the Trinity and the Greater relams abve, but was unwilling to give up its supreme authority here (at first), so it tricked and deceived its own creations here, the Souls here, including its own angels and us, mankind and through threats and subterfuge and deception, it ensured that we would be unable to Ascend this realm, and thus remain trapped, subservient to it, in spiritual bondage to it.. Christ came to give the truth of all that - a truth that as He said would truly set us free..

Angels are angels - humans are humans - Ascension doesn't work quite like that, but yes, the higher realms where Angels dwell do become fully accessable..Christ Himself laid out the entire heirachy and arrangement of these realms for us to see, but I have to say, it doesn't sound much like that which you post above... There is for a start He said, a PRIMAL realm, where the TRINITY dwell alone - this a fully abstract none material existence - a relam of pure MIND where THREE distinct personalities exist and interact - they literally CAUSE all creation to come forth - first they call forth High Angels called Luminaries - these exist as both a realm of Creation (a unique and separate universe) AND as a unique personality of Mind, like you and I are..(its really all about this Divine MIND arranging itself as it understands it Self to Be)...

The luminaries Create other Angels, lesser Beings, called Archons, and they all exist under the domain of the Trinity, connected as one through Mind and Spirit.. The Archons in their turn create individual worlds such as this one, and individual Souls such as You and I are to inhabit their creations.. Realms of existance are contained WITHIN other GREATER realms - a nested reality - the Trinity starts it all off - fully abstract Divine Mind becomes solid tangeable EXPERENTIAL world of form and substance, and through this process Divine Mind gains the ultimate knowledge of its own existence - this endeavour to have complete Self understanding, is truly Gnosis, Folks, and THIS is what drives it all from start to finish and back again....

All that creation existed as ONE REALITY to the Trintiy mind -and then, for complicate reasons, THS REALM that we inhabit, got created ALONE, separate and isolated...Now Christ only describes the primal realm of Trinity in any detail - for the rest He says that THIS ONE we inhabit is "modelled after the Divine" - so we can only assume then the other greater realms that are yet inaccessible to us as mortals, have similar energetic arrangement, with defined natural laws of existence and defined boundaries TO that energetic existence SAME AS THIS ONE HAS...

The ain of Acscension then is to cross these natural boundaries, to "purify" the energy of our very Being, and the MIND that causes that energy pattern to hold as a unique individual Soul.. We are to in affect, learn who and what we TRULY ARE, as a Divine emanation and it is through Self understanding that the keys to transcend the low realms become accessable... Christ Himself, laid it all out pretty much as I have just para phraaed above....

He doesn't say anything about any "ascended masters" - nor does HE say anything about being a mere "helper" for a greater god.. He DOES say that HE IS THE SOURCE OF ALL CREATION though, now made into mortal flesh as we are for the reasons shared above - and that is HUGE difference in understanding...The things you and the new age mish mash present similar, may sound nice and all that, but in truth they bare very little resemblance to the things Christ said about HIMSELF..

Now - these so called ascended masters - many people claim to channel them - and I don't doubt that some actually do, as I my Self did indeed have a "face to face" encounter with Christ and with those we call Angels on a few occasions, so I know for absolute certain such things are possible, expected even... BUT - how come - they all give a different truth..?...And how come NONE OF THEM give the same truth CHRIST gave whilst He was here among us..??...

See - Im all about truth - and I know for sure what Christ actually said - and importantly - Im fully aware of all its IMPLICATIONS...Such as He said we have been basically, tricked into spiritual bondage so that Souls would REMAIN here in the low realms with these low Angelic entities - in very real sense yhvh NEEDS us HERE as that one basically shared its lifeforce out among us, so if we refuse to give it back, it does indeed become diminished.. That's as basic as I can say it without going all metaphysical, Yhvh is NOT THE SOURCE OF CREATION - it IS merely an ANGEL Christ said - it was hidden here on purpose, given a FINITE supply of this Divine energy to form its own creation as it saw fit, and basically abandoned to get on with it - WE are the results !! This real REMAINED abandoned, fully isolated UNTIL CHRIST CAME to repair the damage so to speak...

In the meantime, yhvh of course was creating THUIS UNIVERS and all us Souls here within it..except THAT ONE cannot just call forth frssh new Creation at all - all it can do is REARRANGE the ENERGY that was ALREADY HERE...So look, EVERYTIME it creates a SENTIENT FORM it literally DIMINSISHES its own Being, SHARES its own essence among us...Therefore it is indeed JEALOUS and guards us like prize cattle - In a real sense we are "spiritual nourishment" tot hose in the ranks above us.... This is exactly why Yhvh FORBIDS first the Angels from Ascending, and later forbids Humans too from Ascending, for we will all go back to our legitimate Home, rejoin our Father the TRUE Divine as ONE BEING, and then Yhvh will lose all power station and authority...It REALISES this and so it set out at first, through lies and trickery and deception, threats and punishments, it ensnares us dominates us and forces us into a false servitude to it...

Christ truth is ALL ABOUT overcoming this low realm and its false imposter god...No mentin anywhere of any of these ascended masters lending a hand...PLENTY of warning though to watch for this DECEPTION from the spiritual powers that rule THIS realm and that want us trapped within it !!!

So I hear such new age malarky - ascended masters and the likes - and immediately the Holy Ghost give off an alarm bell to warn something is not quite right there... Sounds all good and plausible - but does not fit in with the truth from Christ - I can only surmise then it must be yet more spiritual confusion from those dark powers that seek to dominate and control us - ignorance has always been their weapon of choice, for sadly, Humans are far too easy to delude, desperate as we are for legitimate truth we often swallow anything that is thrown at us without any examination at all..

I remind you (all) what Christ actually said - Iam the way - the ONLY way - no mortal man comes to the Father except through Me.... He doesn't say anything else like the new age literature tries to make out - but still - if it SELLS BOOKS and makes a PROFIT the I guess anything goes in the name of "spiritual truth" lol - but if we want ACTAUL LEGITIMATE TRUTH, then we`d be far better off sticking with Christ alone - HIS truth is all we need - given to those with ears to hear..
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