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Old 25-12-2019, 12:59 AM
Dubbin Dubbin is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 5
Thank you

Originally Posted by Native spirit
You need to protect yourself because i also feel that you are an Empath and a lot of the anger,is actually coming from other people other than yourself.
Ask Arc Angel Michael to cut the cords of negativity.from around you
That will also help you.


Thank you so much for sharing that. I’ve been told that I am an empath, but I assumed that earth angels were also empathy. I’m learning. But, yes, I feel like a lot of negativity is coming from many directions and the more I attempt to meditate and pray it seems like the more negativity comes my way, which I would think would be the opposite. Again, I am a fledgling and still coming to terms with what I’ve actually known for a while but just now accepted and admitted to self. I chose Michael as a child for my protective angel - I like the idea of slaying demons and extinguishing evil, and I’ve been talking to Michael since I was 12-13 years old. Of course I always carried on convos with people now gone and other angels. I look back as a kid and I believe, though I don’t remember anyone saying anything back, I always talked to air. Felt crazy as a kid, but it felt so natural to do and I still do it today. My family can tell a difference in me and two of the closest people in my life don’t want to hear about any of this - it freaks them out and I always seem to say too much. I’ll go from insane energy levels of intense compassion, dedication, loyalty, and long-term compassionate plans (meaning creating a network of people to participate in a new apparel line designed specifically to address people’s needs as they wear the apparel and a voice is telling me to continue the designs because they will matter in the future, even it people scoff now). This is all I want: to help others and get out of my own way. I’ve spent my entire life being told I’m too sensitive, too emotional - especially for a man. Suck it up. Men shouldn’t act that way. Well, I tried suppressing those emotions to people please and it feels like I am twisting inside. Truthfully, I want to love everyone and be so kind to everyone. But lately I am tired and frustrated and just sort of floating around confused and not knowing what to do and when I have reached out, seems like most folks either don’t care, don’t believe, or think I’m going crazy. Then, I start to question if I just need a therapist. I don’t think that’s the case. I identify with all of this NOW and when I look over my life. I often look up and ask to go home - that I want to be home and this isn’t working. Not sure why I say “home” when I am literally in my house. Any help is appreciated and paid forward. Thank you so much for taking time on me.
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