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Old 06-03-2019, 02:46 PM
Spiritual_Light Spiritual_Light is offline
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 55
The different versions of the afterlife

I have taken a keen interest in religion and spiritualism over the past few years, and I have found it interesting to learn about the different views on the afterlife.

One of the key things that I found interesting is how NDE experiences and spiritualism experiences via mediumship confirm a very different understanding for our purpose on Earth and the way Heaven/afterlife works.

My understanding from looking at these various experiences is that we are here on Earth to spiritually grow, and we enter the Earth to live a life with some sort of life plan that is pre-planned before we enter Earth to experience and learn a particular lesson to grow. However we still have freewill to experience that journey in any way we want.

With Heaven and the Afterlife, there seems to be various levels, which we enter into according to how high our vibrational energy is when we pass over. For example someone that grew spiritually to a higher vibration through their experience on Earth will go to a higher state or level in the afterlife, and someone who led an immoral life and didn't spirituality grow would go to a lower state or level.

However, the issue with this is to me is how this fits with religion. Currently there does not appear to be one religion that involves aĺl of these beliefs, which I find odd given the vast amount of experiences in NDE and mediumship that seem to confirm the different levels of Heaven and our life plan etc. It seems that each religion takes a piece of that understanding but doesnt encompass the full understanding. The only way to do that is if you combined all the different beliefs in every religion.

One religion however caught my attention regarding the experiences about the afterlife and how it operates and that was Mormonism.

A good illustration of what I'm referring to is shown here:

In the image it illustrates different levels. My understanding so far in looking at NDE and mediumship experiences, is that we judge ourselves to decide what level we go to also - so that part may be different from the judgement shown, but relevant still in the sense it determines where you go. Another point to mention is how one of the immediate states or levels after we die is a paradise that is similar to Earth, which is one of the first places you go to that helps you transition to a higher level. The lower states /levels or Hell, are immediate to those who have done heinous crimes and are a very low vibrational energy.

So do Mormons have the afterlife understanding right over some of the other religions?

If so, how do you think that happened? For all the criticism of Joseph Smith and his works, is it possible he like Swedenborg, had some kind of spiritual communication with the other side that gave him this information and understanding?

Let me know what you think.
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