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Old 16-04-2012, 11:55 PM
Mind's Eye
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by QuantumKev
I have been fascinated by DNA ever since I first learned about it. From what I understand, there are 4 bases (or proteins), abbreviated as A, C, G and T. And though there are 4 different kinds, the pairing is limited such that A (adenine) bonds only to T (thymine), and C (cytosine) bonds only to G (guanine).

Now being a computer programmer as I am, it struck me that in essence, DNA is a binary language (please note that I am a programmer Jim, not a doctor! Lol) Hence, I could be wrong about this and oversimplifying far too much. Still, I don't think it is a far stretch to say that any programmer can look at the A-T C-G pairings and they way there are alllowed to combine, and see that there are striking similarities to many of the currently (or formerly used) programming languages.

So where am I going with all this... I guess where I am going is to say that as a programmer, as a spiritual person, as a skeptic and as a curious human being, it seems to me that there is just no way - NO way - the "language" of DNA, and all its complexities, could have arisen simply by 'chance', through the workings of evolution and chaos. In my mind, there had to be - just had to be - some sort of intelligence behind it.

To say there isn't is akin to saying that if no human being ever set out to write the code that created - well, say even this website for example - that it would have just "spontaneously arisen" after billions of years of chance happenings and mutations. And considering how inordinately more complex DNA is than even the most complex website or software, I guess I just don't see how anyone - especially those with a programming background like myself - can think that there isn't some form of intellingence behind that which we know as "life".

I am curious to hear what others think about all this. And as always, Many Blessings : )


What you are saying here is not far from what science is discovering. Scientists have found that the entire universe seems to be embedded with complex mathematical codes; hence they are beginning to say that life had to have been intelligently designed. There is so much complexity behind all this that is I were to to try and write it here, it would be far too long to read. But the findings go far beyond natural selection and evolution so greatly that even the evolutionists are seeking a new theory on how life and the universe came to be. But naturally, some will try to debunk these findings because they refuse to let go of their old ideologies.

Thanks for posting this; you are a very intelligent and perceptive individual.
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