Thread: I blame myself
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Old 02-02-2018, 07:46 PM
Inika Inika is offline
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 2,345
i view it like, this.

awww Gods promise there in the bacground.

but back to why i see it like this. the fool, in his bag swung over his shoulder is all he needs for this life. it carries in it all the elements, earth, air, fire, water (IMO this is your natal chart). the dog (in this card its a cat lol)is his guide, companion and loyal to be with him on his journey(we could call that God or spirit guide, whatever). he is naive, he is inexperienced. he will have to learn how to master the elements through experiences in this life. he has free will, so the dog cannot tell him how to use his elements, how to master them. he can only guide him, look out for him, and be his buddy/companion. we all have the chance to master what cards we've been dealt in our bag (chart). we all have hardships to overcome that strengthen us. By the time this fool is done, he'd be androgynous like the world. complete and skilled in his elements, how to make them work for him, not against him as he is no longer unconscious in his naive state.

all the rocky terrain, is life. its not all roses and glory. there are parts in life that are difficult and challenging. but God knows you, knows that you are equiped with all and everything you need in that sack, to overcome all. faith and trust in God helps us. We're not alone. We are guided if we listen. If God has this much faith that we can master and overcome such rocky mountains of hardships. then how can we not give the same faith back, that we know, we can get through it in God. We are provided for. So what your bike is not gold, bit of rust here and there, you still got provisions.
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