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Old 06-02-2018, 06:48 PM
H:O:R:A:C:E H:O:R:A:C:E is offline
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there's a bunch of stuff going on there, and i don't think that these stories
relate much to one another, apart from the fact of them all being aspects
of your [dreamtime] experiences.
the dolphin scene has me thinking you've displayed an undeniable 'kinship'
with the creatures... it may be that you've had past-life experience as one
of their kind.
the operation doesn't appear to be something you've been in need of, to
correct an illness of some sort, so i figure that it's an "elective" procedure.
it would guess it to involve altering your structure in some way, which may
equate to transforming you into yet another type of creature. you're early
for that operation, so it's just a possibility on the horizon. the bit where
you were asked to sample a drug and determine its nature seems as if a
trick... "here, shoot up and see how it effects you". there could be a play
on words involved: "heroin", rather than "heroine" -- which might be a
way of asking if you'd be amenable to 'portraying' a hero in the next
version of your being [to be experienced after that 'operation'].
i'd immediately conjured the thought of santa claus at your mention of
the sack you dragged along... before you explicitly spoke of handing
out presents. those gifts may be 'learnings' you've acquired while
passing between the specific forms you've held [passing through those
doors]. the double doors feel like 'swinging doors' to me... as if you
might pass back and forth between them if you've got that inclination.
the room with the heat: that has me thinking of the hidden thimble
game, where you're clued into getting closer to the prize by being told
you're getting warmer. the peacock there is what you were drawn to.
the idea of it is to fully embody the light (of god's love), and then
shine it out for all to see. you're near to completing that i figure.
manually dragging those gifts down the hallway seems to be a burden
more than a source of joy for you, so finding a better way is gonna
suit you (you'd taken that sack along with you to the operation scene).
the unclaimed keys may have been a means to unlock passage between
worlds for you... or perhaps they represent some deciphering ability
that's become lost in the past (the old colleague who shirks the chore).
you hold the keys now, so there's no worries on that score.

hmm, i threaded them together better than i anticipated doing.
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