Thread: Energy cords!
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Old 29-08-2017, 02:12 PM
Starry_Night Starry_Night is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 76
Energy cords!

Hey everyone!

Long story short...I have an energy cord connected to my solar plexus with someone I have NEVER met, but we know mutual people. It definitely wasn't a romantic connection (we are both female), but I admit-tingly found myself curious to get to know this was like I was comparing myself to her. But it became constant.

This person is in the back of my mind constantly. I've tried doing things to let this person "go," but nothing seems to give. I'm not sure if it's so much negative right now. I feel drawn to help her or get to know her, but I don't think that will happen and it feels like I should be letting it go, but the cord won't seem to cut. I did a little meditation and the cord was yellow indicating solar plexus.

Any ideas on what this is? Am I attaching myself to her too much? Why can't I seem to let it go?

Thank you, any advice, thoughts, would be very much appreciated.

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