Thread: Experimenting
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Old 30-12-2012, 06:27 AM
FalseAwakening FalseAwakening is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 586
Yep, well I have tried to move away from my body.. Sadly I can only get as far as the door to my room, sometimes if I'm lucky I can be to the stair case just outside, but as soon as I do everything either goes white, or it goes black and I almost immediatly wake up in my bed...

Strangest instance was when I was tying to seperate myself from my body, by pulling myself out using the edge of the bed, I fell to the floor and some how landed on my blankets and pillows at the bottom of my bed (all blankets and pillows in real life are on my bed) I had a problem seeing so I opened my eyes, and saw floor and the bed, everything you would see when your on the floor, and then my vision got fuzzy, and after a few seconds I started seeing my bed sheets on my bed (what you see when your on your bed). Somehow when I opened my eyes I opened my real eyes as well... Very strange experience :)

So how can you tell the difference between lucid dreams and astral? Since I've discovered the whole astral projection/spirit people, been having wierd experiences while asleep, about my room... And experienced sensations I can't explain, like cats around me when there are none (never saw them though just felt them, and touched them... And heard them)
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