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Old 08-11-2017, 12:44 AM
Moonglow Moonglow is offline
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Finding it Is what resonates with in.

This I feel can be found through both religion and other spiritual practices.
For what is the difference between deep prayer and meditations?

For me, it has been what has been established through the teachings and practices. Is it what is established or in what ways it is used that creates the faith/trust/knowing?

The church I disagree with its view points on some issues, so don't go.
Find some things under Spirtuality I also do not resonate with, so put it aside.

So yes, experience does bring understanding, but feel also it is what rings true with in.

Yes, can relate that if one is to be dedicated to something or deepening ones understanding that it takes more then just going through the motions, IMO.

Religion in some aspects may focus in on a certain aspect of a teaching, but this can also be found with in what is placed under spirituality as well.

So guess it is what one finds a center with and best guide him/her at present.
Atleast it seems that way for me.

Just wonder at times why there is so much conflict with it as well as some pretty inspirational stuff. For it seems in many ways they go hand in hand.

Thank you all
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