Thread: 333
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Old 22-11-2018, 12:04 AM
pdizzle45 pdizzle45 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Mid Atlantic USA
Posts: 658
Wawa sizzles are 2 for $3.33? Clearly not a healthy option considering the colased ingredients which come from the cow, which is considered sacred. What is the meaning here for the Wawa thermoploia? Thermoploias were the first fast food restaurants i think, in Rome. From there went to Britian which followed to North America. These establishments were places to drink and eat, heck, even boast. They were created for the poor, and those who ate the food were considered vagrants. It was an accomplishment. Have you ever looked and how the cheese on sandwiches on billboards across North America drips over the side like a tounge? Literraly on Dublin doughnut, Mcdonalds, burger king, dash in, checkers and pretty much everywhere else.

Still trying to understand the advertising behind the $3.33? Its not only catchy, but marketers do everything for a reason. What's the reason ?
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