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Old 15-04-2017, 03:24 PM
Blue Tiger Blue Tiger is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 522
At some level, you still like this person it seems, which makes it a bit trickier. Far easier to just block someone out completely and turn your back on them, but since there is some good in this relationship I can understand you wanting to back off even further than you already have.

Having only your post to go by, it sounds like she has changed for the worse, and lets ego rule her actions now. It's quite possible she isn't even completely aware of how she effects you.

If you haven't already, I strongly suggest some cord cutting. Ask your favorite ArchAngel to handle the job. Then meditate, think of this person, and envision all the connections and cords stretching between you two. Selectively direct the ArchAngel to cut ONLY the negative links, one by one. In your mind, see the cord severed and the cut ends retracting into their originator (you or this other person). Do it with calmness, love, and keep repeating that you're severing only the negative links.

If you suspect that she is projecting herself into your dreams or popping in to "spy" on you, spread salt across the doorways and windows. As you do this, state the intention that no one may enter without invitation. As a side note, bugs don't like the salt and many (like spiders) generally won't cross a salt line.

A bubble of protective energy "built" around your home would be a wise measure to take as well. Again, state your intentions. Make it clear that nothing negative is allowed inside that bubble. Be sure you can visualize it as firm and solid and sturdy.

If you STILL feel unsafe, try mentally setting up an array of mirrors around yourself, shiny side facing away from you. Then any energy/emotion sent to you, or any attempt to drain you, will be reflected back to the sender.

You can also smudge your home prior to setting up the bubble, if you feel this other person (or anyone/anything negative) may have left residual bits inside.

I use all of these techniques whenever my ex-husband (living, gifted, unwelcome) starts popping into my dreams or I feel his energy around me anywhere. As long as I refresh these steps from time to time, he is kept at bay without harming him.

Best of luck
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