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Old 14-02-2020, 05:18 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by JustASimpleGuy
My dog suffers siezures. Second one in a row! The first developed them when 10 years old and she was put on pheno and she tolerated it well, never having another and her liver enzymes never indicated damage.

My current dog developed them so young I was worried about prolonged pheno or other meds impact on his liver so I tried CBD capsules and he hasn't had one since and I'm only giving him half the recommended dosage. It's online ordering without a script too. I just did my research and use a reputable seller that supplies third party test results of their product.
....and now, it is time for me to do what I do best. =)

Have you tried raw feeding your dog?

Whenever I ask God for the truth about anything, I am always...always given the correct response and also, the ability to understand it, no matter how technical that answer may is like my brain is a super sponge and my capacity for storing data is incredible.

I missed my calling as a naturopath and an energy worker...well, it isn't like I really missed the was something I did for about 10 years in my late teens/mid twenties and then I stopped doing it...I ignored my passion and got shaman sickness.

In my previous post, I touched on the glutaminergic and GABAergic receptors and the link to frontal lobe epilepsy having a 30% comorbidity rate with those on the Autism Spectrum and I feel the percentile is closer to about 50% in independent clinical studies...but I digress.

The inability to covert or synthesize glutamines and glutamates via the interneuronal calcium channels can lead to a build up of these amines in the brain, halt production of GABA and cause epileptic seizures...the culprit? processed foods which contain artificial flavours and colours, aspartame and Asian food containing Ajinomoto or Monosodium glutamate...this stuff is like poison to an epileptic.

I just found a great article on the foods to avoid if one is epileptic..or autistic...or who has Parkinson's...or any other neurological deficit in regards to being unable to synthesize this amino acid into beneficial neurotransmitters...enjoy:

This may go over the heads of many, but that is okay... basically, the tendency of genes to express themselves or not is caused by the direct result of poor diet, or the diet of our mothers while we were still in the womb....and feeding canned food to a dog is perhaps the worst thing you can do for it.
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