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Old 23-06-2016, 01:19 PM
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Originally Posted by wstein
I am no Tao expert but I am pretty sure doing no-thing is very different than doing nothing.

I am not so sure you do understand. The suggestion to do nothing is not to be inert. I take it to mean one should simply be and allow action to come from being not from doing. In other words, express your inner being (true nature) directly not what your mind, ego, emotions, memories, social conventions, society, or other people indicate you might do.

If you want some examples, look at your bodily functions. Most of the time your heart beats and you breathe without any 'doing', it just happens. It is very possible to do interact with others and even perform tasks without 'doing'.
Wstein- spoken like a true taoist! I understand all of what you said. Sometimes I believe that doing nothing is appropriate. but everything in what you said reminds me of the way. I truly appreciate your response. I have observed for me, that the paths all have common threads. it doesnt matter if we are Christian Gnostics, Jainists, Taoists, Jedi Knights or Wiccan etc. there are universal truths which run throughout all of the paths as shown in what you wrote.

I did confuse nothing with no-thing. I am more clear on that today.

Music and martial arts in themselves are paths too. As has been said we all walk a path, all those paths are different but lead to the same mountain top!
Today, because of peoples input, I have moved on from this issue. I respect and honour your time to help me on this issue. We are in agreement.
Great Peace!
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