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Old 20-08-2014, 07:27 PM
Jameyson72 Jameyson72 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 43
The answer to this question would depend on which Jews you asked. Most Jews believe in Olam Ha-Ba, or the World to Come, but there are many different views as to what exactly this is.

Because the primary emphasis in Judaism is on the here and now, there is little emphasis on the afterlife in most Jewish synagogues.

The place of spiritual reward for the righteous is often referred to in Hebrew as Gan Eden, or the Garden of Eden, though this is not the same place where Adam and Eve were. Because this is a place of "spiritual perfection", only the most righteous go directly to Gan Eden; the rest of us go to Gehinnom (Yiddish Gehenna) to be punished and purified.

Some Jews believe in reincarnation, while others, especially Reconstructionists, believe we cease to exist when we die.
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