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Old 20-12-2019, 04:20 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Harmony1007
He looks at me like I’m a nutter each time I tell him something new. In fact, he seems quite empty, which leads me to think that deep down he knows it’s true & is worried it might take me away from him, although he would not admit this.
Well, you pair have been married for a quarter century, is it really a surprise? (I won't bring in the subject of menopause here as a cause.) He's got to "know you" over all those years so he probably wonders what's got to you.

Has anyone encountered similar issues in their relationships?
Not me, I haven't had a 24 year relationship with anyone (except my parents and while I've changed quite a bit they accommodate me as I am - or so I believe....hope...!).

My emotions feel ‘flat’ now. I don’t get angry or stressed about anything as I feel I understand people’s behaviour & egos & the reasons behind them.
I understand about no more stressed and angry because I've mellowed a lot myself in the past few years. It's worth remembering though that much stress (and anger) is forced upon people especially when younger - occupational, financial pressures, aspirational disappointments, relationship questions etc. But these can extend into later life. Very few people are secure these days, in themselves or their circumstances. Stresses can be very tiny but they accumulate. So...good if you've got rid of them (except this one). And likewise emotions. They no longer concern me overmuch.

As for ego, to me ego IS the person in context - egos are adjusted to suit circumstances. They're our public front. Without one, we'd be blobs who could not distinguish ourselves from any other. The moment you're into self-development through developing a spiritual self, you're exercising ego so regard much of what you read about it on spiritual sites with scepticism.

Seems that your situation begs a few questions:
- is this a serious divergence in the relationship? Does the overall value of your relationship outweigh it - because, like it or not, even if he superficially 'went along' with you any awakening on his part would likely be different from yours. Who knows but that the difference might be greater than his current scepticism? Do you feel the marriage has run its time? If so, do you believe you could meet someone with beliefs in line with your own?

What seems to be happening is not uncommon to those of a spiritual leaning (my life is my spirituality) - you're en route to finding Self - which explains why your former ailments are disappearing.

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