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Old 05-12-2011, 10:05 AM
Posts: n/a
Christmas is coming....

Christmas is coming and with it comes all the gooey, sentimental tripe, synthetic love, gaudy imported decorations, retail madness and absurd over-idulgence that our western society demands to 'celebrate' Christmas.

Throw into this mix a fantasy story about someone born two millennia ago. Teach children the nonsense that Jesus came to save the world and was the 'Son of God'. Boost the collective mania by singing carols with a theme which is totally opposite to that of Spiritualism's simple message.

It's hard, of course, not to travel that same road we've been walking since the time we were tiny, a road we were conditioned to walk by parents, grandparents, schooling and the dictates of society.

Oh it doesn't matter, it's just a bit of fun for the kids, it doesn't do 'em any harm to believe in Santa - it's Christmas! You've all heard this stuff - you might even say the same yourself. And it is right that believing in Santa is a bit of fun for small kids. Left at that its fine. Trouble is all the Christmassy stuff gets mixed and muddled in a child's mind and years later those kids have become adults who are then totally muddled about Jesus and God and Christmas and Easter and....well you get my point.

Spiritualism? Oh yes. That's what I was getting to. Spiritualism? Isn't that all about getting message at the spooks church?

What does Spiritualism really say about Jesus and about Christmas?
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