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Old 07-07-2017, 08:07 PM
CrystalSong CrystalSong is offline
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Originally Posted by monar
One prove was providing the intimate relationship details between passed away husband and his wife who was connecting to her husband via the medium. But the only way to prove it to yourself is to try it. For instance, there are several mediums with multiple good reviews you can find in your area on Yelp. When you order a session don't call from your phone and don't tell your real name so that your medium could not get prepared. When you meet the medium ask to connect to a specific person who was your close relative or friend and passed away. When the medium connects to the person ask direct questions that nobody could know except you both.

A medium will not need a last name most likely but will need a first name to connect to the persons energy stream. Not giving a real name isn't necessarily useful over the phone as they could connect to the wrong persons energy stream accidently or not have enough energy signature to connect with the persons energy stream.
In context's like here on SF where stage names are regularly used, mediums here can use the stage name to connect with the person. However in the reality outside of our 'SF bubble' it's best to actually give one's real first, or the name they go by (nickname) name to the Medium.

No need to be paranoid here, real mediums are real and can retrieve very useful and helpful information for people. Trying to 'test' or 'make them prove themselves' just blocks one's own energy and field and makes useful information or contact difficult to retrieve and annoys the Medium.

Would you make your cable guy 'prove' his worth, or your doctor or mechanic? Or would you hire their services assuming the fact that they work in that field and have bills to pay just like you assumes a certain level of competence on their part - at least enough to hire them.
After the job further use of their service would be based on the results of the first hire right?

Annoying people with making them 'prove' their abilities is a great way to sabotage the very services one is asking to receive, and a great way to get asked to "move along, here let me hold the door open for you as you leave" from competent practitioners in any field who haven't the time or interest to deal with sceptics.
Few people in any field are going to be comfortable with the disrespect implied in trickery involving 'proving their competence'. Professionals value their time and don't have time for shenanigans.
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