Thread: Dual Soul
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Old 22-11-2018, 06:48 PM
RadiantPearl RadiantPearl is offline
Join Date: Sep 2018
Posts: 88
Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
That is interesting.

I tried researching the locus of the Soul in conjoined twins who shared a brain, but I was unsuccessful. I also looked into any studies of consciousness in Dissociative Identity Disorder, but came unstuck again with neurotheologists who believed that matter produced Consciousness and not vice versa, when I was of the belief that the ONE single Consciousness pervaded all as the embodied Soul, so it wouldn't matter how many personalities the individual had.

This, of course led me on to explore Soul Fragmentation, as opposed to one entity containing "Souls" in a plural or multiple form...which seemed to be more palatable for mental digestion...until I got stuck again between "Soul" and "Consciousness" and what part of us survives the process of death, with having all the faculties for awareness, samskaras and Karmic superimposition determining rebirth and whether somebody with Multiple Personality Disorder will be reborn as one person or many that point, it all went into the "too hard basket' and I decided to spend my time doing something else that wasn't so mentally draining.

Thanks for the answers! I think people with multiple personalities have multiple souls. But since we all come from source the souls are combined since we are all one with source. So when we die we aren’t necessarily split apart but the energy can choose to be Ann individual or multiple beings.
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