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Old 22-03-2012, 11:50 AM
silent whisper
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Originally Posted by Andogenia
Hello everyone

For those interested in taoism.

Fractal vision traces relations between the cell, the body, the society , the nature and the planet making every aspects part of interconnecting pieces of a unique puzzle. It is derived from the word fraction that relates to a part of a whole. In the human body, one of the smallest fraction is the cell and it’s characters contains the condition of the fractal, which is having all the information needed to reproduce the entire body. Fractal vision see’s in the small the mechanism of the big in the form of archetypes. Most of those are observable in nature, in the preceding stages of evolution . As for the cell, fraction of a larger fractal that is the body, early stages of the life evolution on earth contains some keys to understand and prevent the course of events. When my understanding of fractals grew with reflections and meditation on recognizing the fractions in those fractals, I came to a point where I discovered others had made those findings a long time before me. The most important of all is the I Ching, sacred book of the Chinese, that contains in the form of hexagrams the teachings about the prehensible course of events taking place in human society, based on the observation of fractions containing the same mechanism in nature. For me it was a true revelation, the confirmation of my intuitive analyze from witch fractal vision emerged. I am not a scientist and my scholarship aborted before high school, so it is not with the academic formation and the methodic ways usually used for investigation that I’ve built my original point of view. So, in my case, walking throughout a different path had been rewarding, since I found a key that opens many doors. Confucius, a important Chinese figure, said about those ancient teachings, that a single thread could weave the entire universe. He was relating to the primal archetype I personally named the planetary heart. Attributing animal characteristics to the planet is in the vein of fractal vision whose fractions is like the fractal. As for the individual cell that in the case of humans is the body, the planet has it’s own organs, heart, brain, liver, lungs and so on. To be able to see the similarities, you have to look at it in a different manner, obliterate usual conditioning about accepted points of view. The planets hearth does not look like our own but the mechanism and the effects is the same as for the other organs. When fractal vision is understood, many archetypes appears in our field of investigation giving clues for understanding the course of events taking place in our lives. We then possess the single key that opens all doors

Thankyou for sharing.......their is a resonation within your words...that I connect too.
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